Plato Was Right

Most of the prisoners don’t even suspect they’re in a cave. Most of the ones who do so suspect, are “too busy” doing cave stuff to bother looking for the exit. And many of those who do look for the exit, never find it. And many of the few who do find the exit, are afraid to leave their familiar cave, so they run away from the exit and back into the cave. Even when they have a guide who shows them the exit and says, “I did it. Other people have done it. You can do it also.” In the end, courage is required and no guide can supply you with that. You have to supply it yourself, from within. It’s the price of freedom.

The Strangest Thing

All the events that seem to be happening “out there” in your world, from the seemingly trivial personal stuff to the seemingly super-important global stuff, were all placed there by you for the purpose of giving you something to react against, so that you could contract your energy field, turning it into a wall of dense energy that you hide behind, and apparently separating you from the rest of the universe.

This contracted energy doesn’t feel very good, so the natural tendency is to run away from it. To not look at it. And to blame it on what is going on “out there”. This is what the “world” and society and culture and parents and teachers and our early childhood conditioning trains us to do.

But not looking at it is what allows it to persist. To accept it as “just the way things are”. And the “way things are” in this perception is not very good. It makes you lonely and separated from the rest of the universe, a solitary fragment in competition and conflict with everything and everyone else, struggling to stay alive and always fearful.

You have been through thousands of lifetimes constantly repeating this scenario. The persons, places, circumstances, and events change, but the basic story remains the same: you in contraction away from the All that Is. At first, the multiple story lines are an interesting distraction, but everyone, sooner or later, gets bored with them. Begins to see through all the apparently different stories from all the apparently different lifetimes, to the underlying sameness beneath and behind it all.

And that is the invitation! To really look at that contracted energy, rather than avoiding it and running away from it. It is the only common feature of all your lifetimes, activities, relationships, thoughts, perceptions, everything that you are and do. No matter what your apparent experience, it is there. Yet, oddly, it is the one thing you never look at. Isn’t that strange?

Here’s the thing. When you do look at it, and go deeply into it, you find out that the energy itself is totally loving, and only seems to be contracted and dense because that is how you wanted it to seem. And it loves you so much it goes along with you, letting you learn what you need to learn.

When you stop avoiding the energy, but go deeply into it instead, it ceases being a wall and becomes a bridge, uniting you with the All that Is.

You are one.

You are free.

You are that.

I love you.