FREE $1000 Value for a Limited Time Only

The free slots are gone, so I started a waiting list for the next free openings. Contact me before the end of the month to apply. Thank you Everyone!

FREE Zero Cost Session *$1000 Value* Spaces are filling up! I’m on a mission to help as many people as possible with the amazing power of Breathwork, so I’ve opened my window for new clients and am offering a free introductory session subject to availability! When the spaces are all gone, I’ll start a waiting list, but you might have to wait months. First come, first served, so best to reply right away if you are interested.

Do you have something you want to change or achieve in your life? Maybe you’d like to…
Start a business
Find new love
Get a new career (or a raise)
Lose weight
Heal a chronic condition that is sapping your energy and your zest for living
Overcome anxiety and replace your stress with inner peace
Or something else

No matter what you’d like to change or achieve, the secrets to success are the same…

1: Get clear. As specifically as possible, decide what you want. The clearer you are on what you want to have in your life, the more likely you are to achieve it.

2: Get perspective. Most people don’t tell anyone what they want or what they are struggling with and because of that they don’t get an outside perspective.

3: Get support. Very few people (if any) achieve anything great alone. Sports stars have teammates and coaches. Be willing to ask the people in your life to support you.

** Special ZERO COST “Rapid Change” Breathwork Session ** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Do you have something SPECIAL, something important for you to change? If you want to speed up your success rate, then I’d like to help you do it with a special one-on-one personal “Rapid Change” breathwork session where we’ll work together to…

*Create a crystal clear vision for “ultimate success“ so you know exactly what you want, where you’re headed, and what you need to do to make it happen.

**Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your ability to make changes that last or that are slowing down your progress.

***Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to finally achieve the change you seek- once and for all by giving you first hand experience of the amazing power of Breathwork!

If you’d like to take advantage of this very special, very limited, and totally FREE “Rapid Change” breathwork session, just let me know here–

Since I’m making this offer for the first time right now and don’t know how intense the response will be, I can’t guarantee a session for everyone. I’ll take as many people as I can and then start a waiting list. You can expect to get contacted to schedule your session within the next 3 business days.

If you don’t hear from me, it means I’ve received more requests than I can handle right now and if something opens up, I’ll get in touch with you at a later time.

All the Best!,

Ray Bratcher,
Certified Breathworker and Breathworker Trainer
Founder, Sacred Breath Breathwork
Global Breathwork Leader

PS: The sooner you respond, the more likely you are to get a session. Click now!

This week’s “Wednesday Reflections”!

Talks and experiential processes on Breathwork, Non-Duality, Healing Stress and Anxiety, Embodied Enlightenment, Coping, Making Life Work, and Meditation. An Oasis of Peace to find your true nature, integrate awakening into practical life, and get out of your head and into your heart. You can also join us live on Zoom and Facebook, or watch the recording in the Facebook Group if you prefer. Go here for the links:

Wednesday Reflections for Oct 26, 2022

Zoom Gathering every Wednesday at 7PM Atlantic/Eastern and Livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube–An Oasis of Peace to find your true nature, integrate awakening into practical life, and get out of your head and into your heart. Talks and experiential processes on Non-Duality, Embodied Enlightenment, Breathwork, Meditation, A Course in Miracles, Healing Stress/Anxiety/Overwhelm, Coping, and Making Life Work by Honoring the world of form through a life positive prosperity consciousness that eschews “toxic positivity”.

💖To receive the link for the next class: https://sacredbreathfreedom.wordpress…

✨Other Ways to Connect!✨👇👇👇

💖To see what others have said: Client Testimonials Reviews and Recommendations

💖To join the Patreon Community:

💖To book a private breathwork session:

💖To book a private non-duality convo:

💖To donate:…


💖Free monthly newsletter: (Just monthly, because your in-box is already a hot mess!)

💖For everything else:

Remember to Like and Subscribe and click the Bell! It really helps!

💖💖Feel free to share the videos, share the love, share the joy, and– 💖💖 Remember to have Fun😜!💖💖

Important Excerpt from Our last Sunday Sitting

The Zeitgeist is shifting, and there are major changes coming. This is an excerpt from the talk I gave at our last Sunday Sitting, in which I discuss some things I don’t normally bring up. Discussing non-duality and rebirthing-breathwork; and explaining the difference between the ENERGY WORK of rebirthing-breathwork, vs. the autonomic nervous system work of standard breathwork, vs. the ADVANCED ENERGY WORK of Sacred Breath. Even if you know all about standard breathwork techniques like pranayama and box breathing and 4-7-8 breathing, etc., Rebirthing-Breathwork and Sacred Breath are completely different things. The reason this is important is because Universal Consciousness is bringing down onto the planet a new form of Enlightenment. I call it “Embodied Enlightenment”. I also like the term, “Integrated Ascension”. This new form of Enlightenment is the first opportunity ordinary people have had to experience the equanimity and serenity of a Buddha while still going about their everyday lives. I also think it may not be optional. At least, not if the human race is to avoid extinction in the next few decades. So, trying to continue in the old ways is going to be increasingly painful for folks, because that is going against the flow of what Universal Consciousness wants. And Universal Consciousness only wants it because Universal Consciousness only wants what is best for us (and you).

Not everyone who does Rebirthing-Breathwork understands about Embodied Enlightenment, and as I mention in the video, there are people talking now about Embodied Enlightenment who don’t use Rebirthing-Breathwork. They came to it another way. Universal Consciousness isn’t stingy. So I’m not making any special claims for myself. There were a number of “streams” of influences and factors which led me to this place. Which is a place of first hand experience, not some kind of intellectual conclusion or leap of faith. Still, as I survey the landscape of potential paths, and reflect on how it was for me, I’m pretty sure this path that I would like to share with you is one of the easiest, fastest, and most effective. It is a path of personal as well as spiritual growth. As I say in my “tagline”–“Breakthrough to the Next Level with (Rebirthing) Breathwork”. Wherever you are now, this will get you beyond it. Even if you feel “stuck”.

I’m also pretty sure that you already know all of this. You may be pretending not to know because you still don’t want to let go of this dream world that you made. So your perception of me may not be the truth of who I am, so that you can keep dreaming a little longer. But my vision of you is as the Being of Light that you are, and I am ready to walk hand in hand with you into Reality whenever you want. And you must be getting ready to wake up, or you wouldn’t be reading this.

There are any number of ways to connect with me; not just these Zoom Sunday Sittings. You can pretty much find all of them here:

Or just call/text/email me. I’m pretty approachable.